Hollande STILL wants Syrian refugees to resettle in France

29 Nov

After last week’s latest round of terror attacks in Paris, France, Hollande issued a harsh response to ISIS by sending French fighter jets to strike their strongholds in Syria.  Ater what looked like a strong leader like response, Hollande declared “life must go on” and France will accept 30,000 more Syrian refugees.  He has certainly made it clear that his bleeding leftist heart will contine to accept the inevitable; more terrorism to hit the shores of Normandy.  That’s if they come by sea.

ISIS issued a world wide threat for Sunday and even more attacks to come in the European Union.  So, has Hollande lost his mind descending deeper into liberal madness or is he just that out of touch with reality?  Like Obama, Francois Hollande is so blinded by ideology that he is mentally unable to make a rational decision unless sympathy, empathy and compassion for what could be a potentially disastrous move for the safety and security of French citizens.  What’s a few dead French citizens in the name of tolerance of those seeking the entire destruction of the west.

President Hollande, when terrorists say they are going to kill you, you take them at their word insteaad of trying to figure out what it is they’re really trying to say.  Sir, ISIS terrorists posing as helpless, needy, displaced people got into France and murdered more of your citizens than Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cache.

His comrades in the EU continue to insist the terror attack in Paris is due in large part because of the Palestinian issue.  Hollande’s silence in denying this speaks volumes.  He’s lucky his friends are circling the wagons for him.

When you closed your borders, the world applauded you. Now you are re-opening them? How did you do such a fast u-turn descending further away from the srength you exhibited just a few days ago?  And yet, his leftist ideology clouds his judgement by allowing more danger into your country. One has to wonder if the biggest advocate of no borders anywhere, George Soros, is pulling Hollande’s strings in the background.

Breitbart uncovered the Soros funded group, Open Society has launched its own efforts to keep the revolving door of Syrian refugees flowing.  The same George Soros who supports and funds JStreet, a promoter of two state solution. Is the same happening in France? Is George Soros helping to dismantle the west?  If so, does he have anything on Hollande that would force him to do the opposite that is destroying his political career?  It is and has been the sole trait of Soros to want to change the fabric of societies and cultures he sees as oppressive and illegitimate in terms of traditional values deemed precious to the western way of freedom and democracy. The left hates the police, but they love a police state that limits freedom. They also love throwing each other under the bus to advance their sinister cause of equal outcome.

Francoise Hollande may have destroyed what could have been a promising career or not. Chances are he could enjoy a promotion in the Mideast Quartet once #Marinelepen2017 helps her win the next election.  Either way, I doubt Israel will ever get rid of him.

With all due respect, Senator Cruz

15 Nov

Senator Ted Cruz is one of my favorite picks for President in 2016 among a few of the other real conservatives in the Republican field. However, the recent rush to have a Senate hearing over the Palestinian terrorism we’re facing right has enraged me to a boiling point. Dear Senator Cruz: STOP INTERFERING.  Holding hearings is not going to stop the blood lust terrorists in Israel have and their thirst to pour our Jewish blood all over the streets of Jeusalem, Gush Etzion, Rishon LeZion, Efrat, Beersheva and on and on.

You can hold all the hearings you want on the PLO, Palestinian Authority, but until you really go back in history during one of these televised spectacles, we Israelis aren’t buying one dime of lip service Congress pays us that the PA will be cut off financially for good.  Just ask Senator Rand Paul who’s mantra is “cut them off until they stop their terror.”

I know you are a courageous man. But when it comes to the terror Israel has faced since our re-founding in 1948, you fall completely short. And here is where you and members of Congress fail:

1. Mention historical terrorist attacks on Israel starting with the Munich Massacre of 1972 at the hands of a Palestinian terror group called Black September.  Continue to July 1976 and outline the events of Entebbe, in which the Air France airline was hijacked by the Popular Front for the liberation of Palestine.  Jump to 1987; the first intifada that lasted until 1993 with the signing of the Oslo Accords (an epic disaster of the Democrat Party). You can use that against Hillary Clinton’s husband in the Presidential debates should you be the nominee.  The second intifada you covered so we’re squared away with that.

2. Point out again and again that Abu Mazen aka Machmoud Abbas was the secretary treasurer of the PLO who funded the Munich Massacre.

3. Tell the truth; The Palestinian Authority was only created in the 90’s to delegitimize Israel’s right to exist. Terrorists can and do put on suits to achieve a look of business. One only needs to look at Putin; taking off the KGB uniform and putting on a suit.

4. You do sympathize with the Palestinians. In December of 2014, you posted a message on Facebook saying what a sad day it was for Palestinians that the PA was trying to dictate terms to Israel at the United Nations. Of course you mentioned Israel, and again you failed. Here’s how: You ignored that the Palestinians DO want terms dictated to Israel. Did you forget they voted in a landslide election for Hamas? And more importantly, you neglect time and time again the unity government the PA and Hamas have. They ARE ALL EQUAL OPPORTUNISTIC JEW KILLING TERRORISTS.

5.  Have the courage to say it’s Jews and Jews only that Palestinian terror seeks.   Every time you and members of Congress ride our coattails as also being victims of the Palestinians you incite them against us even more albeit with the best intentions. I’ll have you be reminded those “American Jews” you spoke of in your hearing made aliyah and became Israeli citizens by choice. Stop ignoring that.

6. Your focus as a Senator should be entirely on the 14% of troops who died in Iraq at the hands of Iran and taking cues from Ed Royce.  He bravely stood up to demand that Congress not vote in favor of the import/export bank criminally subsidizing Iran.  There were 181 Democrats and 63 Republicans who voted for this. How could you not fillibuster this?

8. And finally; please accept the fact that Israel is not America. It is not a melting pot of many different people of various faiths who emigrate here. It is Jews from various countries coming home as G-d commands it. Neither you nor any other pro Israel Senator is an extended member of our Knesset.

If you can do that and completely stop funding the Palestinians with phony aid packages that is used to funnel terror against us, you might just have my support.

Cleaning and the Islamic terror broadcasting network

20 Oct

As my family beings to settle into a daily routine here in Judea.  My husband and I are beginning to establish ourselves in building a small business for ourselves, and it’s hard.  Working in Israel is tough.  Most people do a few things just to make ends meet, but what matters most is that no one ever starves.  Jews help each other every day and miracles from G-d are seen. One of the things I do for a living is maintenance and cleaning for the school my daughter attends.

On Fridays, in Area A of the Palestinian Authority, where Jewish land is declared “Judenrein” (Jew-free) I was in the very last classroom closest to the Palestinian village doing my finishing touches before erev Shabbat. Broadcasting from every mosque in sight in a booming decible was the sermon that encourages Palestinians to murder Jews and throw us into the sea.  I can understand some Arabic.  Something something Allahu Akhbar, something something yehudim, rinse and repeat all over again.  This lunacy takes place every Friday in order to annoy Jews as we prepare for our Shabbat.  How this people can ever get away from committing violence will be more than a miracle.

Imagine you lived in a village, town or city where recordings were constantly telling you to go out and kill a nation because you were taught false myths from birth that Jews stole from you? The Palestinian clerics use past recordings to instill hatred and terror into their people over and over again. They play it so loud that at 4 am, it’s my alarm clock. The Muslim call to prayer outside of the sermon sounds like people groaning who have been stuck in pergatory or hell for thousands of years. IT IS that creepy to listen to.

I am usually scared free as security is all around us.  Though not usually seen, it is always there with monitors, electric fencing and guards driving and walking around.  I personally like to see the guns in front of me.  However, I trust my country implicitely to handle security measures at all times.

When I see no security I feel it isn’t there. When I see no guards, I fear for my life. When I am cleaning in this room, I shake. know the yishuv security is all around me. However, last night another sermon came on their loudspeakers. When your daughter says, “Mom, I’m really scared right now.” I’m an Israeli mother now. I’m supposed to be tough.  Do I cower in fear and show weakness to a child so new to a language she’s never spoken before August?  Do I act like a whining two year old to a former home schooled girl just trying to fit in and make friends?  Or, do I show her that we are a courageous, resilient people with a thousand years of history.  A people who unceasingly and successfully came home.

Almost always counts

19 Oct

Imagine waking up on a beautiful, cool October morning after the holidays here in Israel.  You walk your daughter to school, kiss your husband goodbye, and proceed to the trempiyada here in Tekoa Israel.  The Trempiyada as we Israelis call it is the bus stop and area where residents of my settlement hitch to various cities and towns in Israel; mainly Jerusalem and surrounding municipalities.

On a good day, I immediately get rides going to my ulpan in Beit Haam near Nachla’ot.  Wednesday was just an ordinary day or so we thought.  Once in the car with the lovely young couple, we proceeded to drive on the road Palestinians share with us. I say that because it’s our country, and they should thank us and G-d for letting them use our roads.

Anyone who has driven these roads knows about the big red signs that forbid us from entering Area A of the PA Authority designated as Judenrein (Jew-free).  We came upon a Palestinian car carrying four men. The driver attempted to pass them, however, they slowed down purposely and proceeded to start road blocking us from passing.  If the driver went left, the PA licensed plate car went left, if we veered to the right, they went to the right.  Silence descended upon all of us.  I could feel tension rising in all of us.  The blocking, slowing down brought me to visions of being ambushed.  I really thought it was going to be a disaster if we didn’t swerve away from this car.

In a matter of minutes, three lives could have been gone if this smart, young woman did not take the opportunity when there was no oncoming traffic in the opposite lane.  Hashem gave us a way out, and it wasn’t my time.  In a matter of seconds a son, daughter, sister, mother, wife, brother, husband could have lost their lives at the hands of four Palestinian Arabs.

Fast forward five and a half hours later on the same road:  I tremp back to Tekoa from the Har Homa bus stop, and I am always lucky to get a ride with a Tekoa resident who knows me.  Passing by Beit Sahour, we saw rocks the size of boulders, concrete used for building and knew a car had been attacked.  It happened at approximately 9:00 am in the morning.  Minutes after we passed by this Palestinian village.  It could have been me.  It could have been anyone living in Tekoa and the surrounding settlements in Gush Etzion.

It was a 40 year old mother whose car was pelted with these weapons, dragged out of her car. They kicked, punched, and almost abducted her. If it wasn’t for the bravery of Josh Hasten firing a warning shot into the air forcing these barbarians to disperse, there is no telling what would have happen to my fellow Tekoan resident.

Over fourteen stabbings in three days. The first would be suicide bomber of the season, a brave police officer who risked his life to divert what could have been an untimely tragedy for all of us in our great Jewish homeland.

The world is silent. The UN is furiously coming up with recycled resolutions. Mogherini is useless in demanding a Palestinian State all so she can remain relevant in a continent that has no use for her EU position. John Kerry is morally equating the conflict.

Our military; the brave, young men and woman of the Israel Defense Forces are doing everything humanely possible to keep us safe from harm. My brothers and sisters, I beg you, now is the time no matter where you are in Israel, stop when you see a chayal or chayelet and thank them for putting their lives on the line so that we and our children can live.

Haaretz sinks to an all time low

23 Jan

Haaretz may have sunken to an all new low. The paper has published an article that an anonymous White House source issued a very aggressive dictate that sounds like a threat to Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu.  The Prime Minister of Israel is due to address a joint session of Congress in early March.  Below is an excerpt from the alleged Senior White House official:

“We thought we’ve seen everything,” a senior American official said. “But Bibi managed to surprise even us. There are things you simply don’t do. He spat in our face publicly and that’s no way to behave. Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.” 

This quote was released in Barak Ravid’s article. Word on the ground is that the quote actually came from none other than Ms. Jen Psaki, State Department Spokeswoman on orders from John Kerry.  What will the cost be? Will Israel risk becoming an apartheid state that John Kerry fantasized about?

Barak Ravid is a hero of the IDF, having served six years as a captain, and for that I honor him.  Haaretz lacks a true regard for the truth and journalistic integrity.  They are willing to throw the safety, security of Israel and fellow citizens under the bus to share a brief moment to be in Obama’s inner celebrity circle shows how little the left cares about self preservation and respect for honest reporting.

Haaretz is attempting to revive old Israeli style socialism in the form of a Totalitarian government.  With Socialism Obama’s policies have given the American people socialized and rationed healthcare, massive foreclosures of home ownership, job loss, a massive nanny state of entitlements, welfare and food stamps, 9 million people out of work, an almost 18 trillion dollar debt, IRS scandals, Benghazi cover ups, and a failed foreign policy, and lastly, executive amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens. You should be grateful for the leadership of Prime Minister Netenyahu.  You should be grateful Israel’s economy is in the top tier of the global work force, and you should be grateful to have the ability to put food on your tables.  If any of you at Haaretz can prove Obama’s leadership is the best out of any Presidency, I will give the Haaretz staff a year’s worth of hummus.  I’m all ears.  It is only a matter of time before he throws all of you pseudo journalists under the bus.

In another article written by Mr. Ravid, he claims that John Boehner went behind Obama’s back to invite Bibi Netenyahu to address a joint session of Congress in early March.  I have tried to reach out to Barak Ravid on twitter in an attempt to educate the left in Israel that the Speaker of the House needs no protocol or permission from Barack Obama when it comes to inviting guest speakers/leaders of countries who are our allies.

Haaretz should familiarize themselves with our Constitution of the United States of America.  There are three separate branches of government; Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Why are they separated?  Our founding fathers created a system that would prevent an all powerful centralized government from being created, checks and balances, and protecting American citizens freedoms lest a President should ever advance his power to that of King George III all over again. It is entirely acceptable for John Boehner to invite anyone he deems fit to visit Congress.  The separation of powers between our three branches enumerates/limits what the President can and cannot do.  The President must also be invited by Congress to give the State of the Union address. No President can ever “show up” at Congress without the permission of Congress.  If that were the case, we would have a Stalinist type government on our hands or worse, a dictator on American soil.

Let us go back in time when Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House in a Democrat controlled Senate.  When the media praised her for lying about how transparent her Congress would be.

When Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House, she took a military plane to visit Bashir al-Assad who was not our ally.  Syria is considered a haven of terrorism.  The media went silent in criticism of her spending a fortune on taxpayer dollars to fund her trip to Syria.

On May 20, 2010, Nancy Pelosi invited then Mexican President Calderon to address a joint session of Congress.  Mr. Calderon spat in our faces as he issued glaring insults about our laws in regards to illegals that crossed the border into our country.  The Democrats applauded and cheered his scathing attacks in our house, that we taxpayers fund.   No one in the mainstream media held Ms. Pelosi accountable for inviting a hostile leader to speak out against America in our own country.

It is true that Barak Obama is the most antisemitic President to date, and it is catching fire here in America. He is making deals with the Islamo Fascist Iranians.  Obama is unilaterally funding the Palestinian Authority with our tax dollars in the form of $400 million a year.   Obama spent all day in his unconstitutional duties bashing the one honest leader who speaks the truth on the threat of a nuclear armed Iran and Islamic terrorism that threaten the entire world. A regime determined to blow Israel off the face of the map. A regime who’s weapons are harbored in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon.

Since when is it controversial to have the Prime Minister of Israel address, help, advise congress?  Isn’t that what allies do with and for each other for the safety and security of our mutual countries? The White House is pushing hard against his visit because it’s an election year, while Bibi is looking for an opportunity to educate Congress and the American people on the dangers of Iran. Israel is the country that is threatened the most by Iran.

My message to you, Haaretz, is the following; If you want to learn about how our Constitution guarantees our freedoms and the function of each branch of government, including the definition of separation of powers,  let me know.  I will gladly make sure each of you have  a pocket sized one for your stocking stuffer for next Christmas.

Image from Prime Minister Netenyahu’s speech to Congress, 2011.

The rise of the right in Israel

7 Dec

Since Prime Minister Netenyahu has fired Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni for undermining Bibi, the recent poll numbers of the direction of where Israel is going suggest a major shift to the right is taking place.  Early polling has begun.  While Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni claim they are forming a unified center left coalition, Tzipi has not confirmed her position.

If such a merger becomes a reality, the Labor-Hatnua alliance would produce a combined 24 seats in the Knesset.  So they claim.  The consensus of recent polling data shows that Yesh Atid, Yisrael Beiteinu and Hatnua are bound to lose seats.  In reality, the concept of a successful alliance between Herzog and Livni is non-existent.

The fighting over the 2015 budget, taxes, defense and the economy are all on the table and suitable causes for each of the parties to debate upon.  However, there are members of the Knesset who have put forth real solutions while Herzog and Livni have only personal attacks to expound on their “friends across the aisle.”  The left’s delusions of grandeur that a two-state solution must be completed, negotiations with a 79 year old man who funded the Munich Massacre (Abu Mazen), and decrying building of settlements for more Jews in these current days of redemption.

These are not solutions.  They are talking points.  They are cover ups to whitewash all failures of their past policies.  Unfortunately, the Israeli version of hope and change has hit the shores of Tel Aviv.  People are getting sucked into a false narrative of “there is a better way.” If that be the case, Livni and Herzog should explain how they are better suited to keep Israelis safe.  Why haven’t any of us heard what exactly is this better way forward?  Where are Herzog’s and Livni’s solutions to our security issues?  And how would they handle Iran?  Have they discussed this with voters?  Have they taken Iran seriously?  Have they taken the terror tunnels in the north seriously?  Six million Jews with 1.5 million minority citizens and not automatically following their lead.

As much as Yair Lapid’s failures as a politician is at the forefront. Mr. Lapid deserves credit for trying to balance the budget; giving first time married couples tax-free incentive to purchase their first home and the disabling of the VAT tax.  I agree with those policies. Encouraging first time home buyers with tax incentives puts more money into the economy.  President Bush created a very similar policy.  My husband and I benefited greatly from that when we filed our taxes in the first year we purchased our home. It is a worthy policy.  Ridding the country of the VAT tax is one of the most important aspects to a healthy economy.  It allows people to keep more money in their pockets, and contribute to the economy and opens up more participation in the free market system Israel engages in.  More money put into the economy means more revenue comes into the country.  Want to know what that is translated into?  It means the government cannot and will not spend more than what it takes in.  See how easy that works?

I compliment Yair Lapid for following the footsteps of Milton Friedman in his attempt to create a supply and demand economy that helped President Reagan create 21 million jobs in his first term as President.  If it has worked in America, that policy can work in Israel.  I do compliment Yair Lapid for thinking outside the box.  Mr. Lapid created an environment to bring the Haredi into the workforce rather than live off the welfare benefits that Israeli citizens are responsible for.  That was applauded by many of us.  Unfortunately, he failed to articulate these outstanding positions to the Israeli public.  Messaging is everything.

The issue of the Jewish State bill is at the forefront of the dissolution of the Knesset.  There were approximately three versions of this bill floating around the Knesset.  The bill defines Israel as a Jewish country, and the left defined it as racist.

The Jewish State bill re-affirms the Law of return for Jews seeking to emigrate to Israel.  Law of return is the right of every Jew to live in Israel.  The bill re-affirms the equal rights and freedom of every single citizen Jew and minority citizen including Arab, Christian and Druze.  Their status is unaffected in every sense of the word.

The left’s position is the bill creates and underclass in the minority citizen.  Okay, where is the proof of that?  It doesn’t affect the status of citizenship in any way.  It validates that a Jewish country and homeland created by G-d given to the Jewish people will and have a right to exist in modernity. There is a growing chorus of former dinosaur leftist leaders like Ehud Barak claiming it hurts Israel’s minority citizens.  Where?  There are plenty of other non-Jewish nations who have passed legislation in which Christianity, Islam or Catholicism is the state religion.  Why shouldn’t we have the assurance of that same right?  The state bill is not going to tear down a church or mosque.  The left’s issue with this bill is fruitless and without merit.  It is all about gaining control and power of the country from the right.  The Jewish state bill creates a more prosperous and unified nation in its youthful 66 years.  Israel, please don’t bring back this dinosaur, Barak.  He was a failed politician and Minister of Defense whose policies led to intifadas and extreme Palestinian violence against Jews.  His implementation of the Oslo Accords led to Israel building a security fence to deter terrorist attacks.  It created anti Israel activism around the world, and the terminology of apartheid and occupation.  Two terms that should be banned from world dictionaries.

It sends a clear message to the Obama Administration, European Union, United Nations and the Arab world that Israel and the Jews are here to stay.  We are declaring the definition of Zionism; the right of the Jewish people to self determination works.  If Zionism is a failure, why are there six million Jews living in Israel today?




Ron Paul’s World of Unicorns and Rainbows

19 Dec

Last Week was the last Republican Primary Debate before the Iowa Caucus on January 3, 2012. By now, it’s evident that Ron Paul is completely feeble minded and out of touch with reality. His assertion that Iran’s nuclear weapons program is not a threat to the Israel, America and all humanity is extremely dangerous and weak. If only he would put his tin foil hat on his head and drop out of the race, we would all be better off. In the Iowa debate of August 2011, Ron Paul said in a very cavalier way that he would have no problem with Iran having nuclear weapons. That’s right, Lurch, just let another madman bomb the crap out of Israel and our country and sit back thinking you’ll just “rebuild the world.” See clip below:

And last week, he implied that Michele Bachman was lying when she said the IAEA put out a report that Iran is extremely close (within months) of developing weapons against Israel and the US. He even went so far as to contradict everything he said in August, claiming he “doesn’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons.” Talk about dementia and flip flopping. See clip below of Ron Paul twisting his own words around:

It is clear to most independent critical thinkers that Ron Paul could care less about what happens to our greatest ally in the world, Israel. He falsely said that Israelis are not worried about Iran. That may be true from leftwing Jews living in Israel who are there to take down Israel for their own agenda, but it isn’t true to those of us Jews who take Achmadinejad at his word. When Hitler was threatening to take over the world and destroy the Jews, people said he was just a schoolyard bully and that he would never follow through with it, well, he did, and it resulted in the systematic murder of six million Jews throughout Europe. Had Hitler been given the chance to murder Jews here in America before the Allies arrived in Normandy, he would have done it.

Ron Paul believes that we Americans are responsible for 9/11. He believes that we Americans are the problem, that Muslims hate us not for who we are and what we represent, a free people, because WE are the ones who have started with them. This man doesn’t get that the Muslim world wants to take us back to the days of the Ottoman Empire when they ruled the entire world. He has no problem with liberal activist judges using Sharia Law in our courts, that Imams want to see all women in America wear the Burka, which is degrading to women who are Muslim, and to replace our Constitution with Sharia Law. Many courts all over America are using Sharia Law in divorce and family courts; even if the defendants and plaintiffs aren’t Muslim. Below is a compilation of Sharia Law being used in our Judicial system.


Ron Paul believes that everything is unconstitutional. He believes that the Patriot Act, a system that enables our Law Enforcement on the local, state and federal level monitor terrorist activity here in America is unconstitutional. He says that it threatens the freedoms of all Americans. I have news for you Ronulans: unless you are talking to terrorists on the phone, cavorting with them on a daily basis, plotting with them and hanging out with them this Government doesn’t give a crap what you are doing. He lies through his teeth when he says our Government is tapping all phone lines of all American homes. That is totally false. Our law enforcement is wire tapping overseas phone lines that are connecting to terrorist cells here in America, and that is how they are able to thwart terrorist attacks before they happen. The Israeli Mossad has been using a very similar system for many years, and it has been saving Jewish lives before Arab terrorists have an opportunity to kill more Jews and celebrate their death.

He refuses to address Hamas aiming thousands of missiles into Israel from Gaza as being an act of terror and has said “why should we treat Israel any different than Hamas? He says Israel created Hamas? Where is his proof on paper that Hamas was created by Israel to destablize Arafat? There are things the Secular Government i.e. the leftwing lunatic, Ehud Barak, in Israel does that I cannot stand such as taking down settlements and homes to appease her enemies from time to time, but to insinuate that Israel created Hamas is like saying they don’t use textbooks in their schools to teach Arab children how to murder Jews. Below, Ron Paul blames Israel for existing and for terrorism: He and other liberals believe that if only Israel didn’t exist there would be peace in the Middle East. Basically, what Ron Paul is saying: Israel created terrorism, and if it didn’t exist, Hamas wouldn’t have to use these tactics to get something that has never belonged to them in the first place.

Israel is the first country that ever existed. When Hashem created the world, he gave to us Jews the land of Israel, it doesn’t belong to the Arabs, Fakestinians or any other made up people. There is nothing to debate or argue about. For those of you who disagree with it, too bad, go to hell or take it up with G-d. Ron Paul should get his facts right that it was the UN who created terrorist groups in order to slowly destroy Israel. The UN hated having to give Israel her Independence in 1948 along with the British who thought that Israel belonged to them. We Jews drove them out of our land, and they are still pissed off about it. But then again, we drove the British out of America twice and they still resent us for it. They will never learn. More on that in a later blog. Ron Paul conveniently forgets that Yassir Arafat was invited to the UN to speak and brough his own gun with him, and he received a standing ovation. Bibi Netenyahu speaks there and people walk out. It speaks volumes about the members of the UN and their rabid antisemitic platform they have held for years, along with anti Israel professors in the Ivy League Institutions who help the UN write policy against Israel by writing their “academic papers and essays” on Fakestinian Right of Return” which is a tactic to shrink Israel, turn it back into a barren wasteland, and run every Jew out of there until it’s controlled by Hamas. Thank you so much to the Democrat President, Harry Truman for the creation of such a despicable and corrupt institution that we taxpayers are responsible for.

Last Friday, I had the distinct honor of calling into Rush Limbaugh’s show to discuss Ron Paul. My call not only went viral all over the Internet and Faceboook, Rush also posted my call on his website. Truly humbling. Below is the clip of my phone call regarding Ron Paul’s mental disorder:

I discussed that Ron Paul is Obama on steroids when it comes to foreign policy and Iran. It is true that Obama is a complete failure on foreign policy. He has handed Egypt over to the Muslim Brotherhood in the hopes that they will attack Israel without getting his hands dirty. President Hosni Mubarak was a great man. He had a great relationship with Israel. I lived in Israel when he was the leader of Egypt. The two countries held a mutual friendship that has lasted for 30 years until Obama came into the picture. Egyptians vacationed in Israel and Israelis vacationed in Egypt. There was NO ISSUE OR PROBLEM between both peoples. I had the pleasure of being a Jew that was able to safely travel to Egypt when he was the leader, and all Jews were safe, not one of us were harassed or terrorized when he was in power. Hosni Mubarek had disagreements with Bibi from time to time, had a mutual respect for Israel, and they were good friends. Obama comes into the picture and decides to destabilize the entire system because “no Arab country should hold a peace agreement with Israel.” It offended him greatly to see two competent leaders be able to do their job without needing him in the picture. What a narcissist Obama is. Ron Paul’s platform would be even more dangerous as he would end our military as we know it. Isolate us to the point of getting attacked over and over again. He would take away the Patriot Act so we would never know how vulnerable we are to terrorist attacks or when they could happen anywhere in our country. He would leave us in a constant state of panic and fear, we would have no defense system in place, no military. He would preach that all of that is unconstitutional. So much for a candidate who’s first priority is to protect and defend American Citizens and our country at all costs.

The Mental Derangement of Kurt Sutter

29 Nov

Kurt Sutter is an accomplished Hollywood writer. He was the creator and writer of The Shield and currently, the creator and writer of Sons of Anarchy. Recently, Kurt has taken to thinking he is an expert on how America operates and bashing Sarah Palin and other conservatives, mainly; our GOP contenders. I admire his talent and his contributions to pop culture, but what I despise is his ignorant rantings on this he knows nothing about. Kurt Sutter is way in over his head when it comes to the fact that Socialism is being forced down our throats. He believes it is all the fault of us conservatives and Sarah Palin. Another Obama apologist who refuses to admit that his vote was wasted and has lowered himself to projecting his failures as a Democrat professionally and personally onto the rest of us. He should study President Reagan and realize that those policies enabled the success he enjoys today.

Kurt Sutter assumes Sarah Palin is toxic while knowing nothing about her life, her accomplishments or her 20 years of impeccable public service, giving every minute of her day and night to ensure Alaska was run of, for and by the people of that great state. It might do Kurt some good to watch “The Undefeated.” In this incredible documentary, it details what made her want to go into public service: watching what the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill of 1989 did to working class families; divorce, bankruptcy, drugs, alcoholism, loss of jobs, healthcare, foreclosures. She wanted to make a difference so that nothing like this would ever happen again. She went on to become Mayor of Wasilla, where she lives. Sarah built up the economy there. From there, she became the oil and gas Commissioner and took on her own party for their corruption within that industry. That took her to the road of becoming Governor. She passed an Ethics Reform Bill that demanded criminal prosecution of legislators from both sides of the aisles when they used money for political favors. She took on Exxon again when they delayed oil drilling in Alaska, and told them either drill or the contract would go to another company. Exxon finally relented and did what they had promised in the first place. Democrats forget when Palin was the Darling of the Democrats, because as soon as Palin took the Governor’s office away from a fellow Republican and tough SOB, Frank Murkowski, she tore into the Republican’s “Corrupt Bastards Club” (CBC) and sent them packing. Many of them are now residing in State housing and wearing orange jump suits The Democrats reacted by skipping around the yard, throwing confetti and singing, “la la la la” (well, you know how they are). Name another governor in this country that has ever done anything similar.

She sold Murkowski’s jet on EBAY as a way of letting the people of Alaska know that spending their money wouldn’t be tolerated on her watch. Kurt Sutter has never done anything to contribute to American Exceptionalism. He’s never worked an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. He’s never so much as run a lemonade stand. I bet if we asked Kurt Sutter how a job is created in our country, he would look down in his bashful way of embarrassment, laugh and use some excuse that would make even his uneducated viewers praise him for his lack of knowledge of economics, the Constitution, or the fact that it’s WE THE PEOPLE who keep this country going, not him with his fantasy world of romanticizing bikers and Mexican drug cartels.
Below is his latest accusation without any truth or facts to back up what he believes in his liberal mental derangement. He just thinks it so therefore it must be true in the fantasy world he lives in. He is another example of someone who only talks to others in Hollywood while knowing nothing that goes on in the rest of the country. The people who continue to lose their jobs, lose their homes, have no choice to apply for Welfare and Food Stamps. He encourages his audience to spew venomous accusations against Republicans and conservatives in order to soothe his own lack of competence. I would like to ask his viewers: Do you really think Kurt Sutter would help you financially if you need it? Do you really think he cares about you or your family? Do you really think he’s not using you to advance his position in Hollywood that would catapult him to the inner circle of Weinstein, Speilberg, Hanks and Clooney? Kurt Sutter is nothing more than a desperate man who seeks their approval. So far, I see most of these Hollywood elites ignoring his pleas of begging for their acceptance. Kurt, please keep doing what your doing, because I love watching you grovel for acceptance from your fellow Hollywood elitists who continue to laugh at you behind your back.

I hope his viewers have the good sense to realize that he is exploiting their day to day problems to build himself up as a powerhouse to be reckoned with in Hollywood. He will do anything to achieve that status even if one of his viewers get hurt in the process. Honey, if you were really worth anything, it would have happened by now.
even fox news hates sarah Palin. thank god this bitch’s 15 minutes is almost up. man she’s fucking toxic. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/cutline/report-sarah-palin-scolded-roger-ailes-over-2012-201616644.html This man can’t even use proper punctuation or grammar. Sad.

Really, Kurt, what if we conservatives started calling your very talented wife, Katey Sagal, horrible names? None of us would even stoop that low to purposely hurt a woman who is a wife and a mother the way you think it’s your right and moral authority to do it to conservative women.

Kurt Sutter recently said he would like to start a talk show of liberals and conservatives to talk about “issues.” I would love to know what those issues would be? Is it a ploy by you and your ilk to bait conservatives to show up so you have an arena and platform to diminish who and what we stand for? Would it increase your status in Hollywood or would you use it to shift the subject, ignore the facts and name call? Which is it, Kurt? Do you really care about what’s going on in our country and our childrens’ futures? I doubt it.

http://sutterink.blogspot.com/2011/01/red-blue.html Here is one of his deranged ideas that has already fallen apart. Yay!!!!

http://sutterink.blogspot.com/ His latest blog implies that the right wing is to blame for the word, Fag. He believes that this is the word we use for people who identify themselves as gay/homosexual/lesbian or transgendered. No, Kurt, we call them what they want to be called; GAY, HOMOSEXUAL AND LESBIAN. Anyone who uses Wikipedia as a resource is a perfect example of someone with absolutely no education in life. To say that we use the word fag to describe gay people is the lowest accusation I have ever heard. Many in the gay community demand to be recognized only by their sexual orientation is their own darn fault. Many of them hate people of faith, and many of them believe that straight people should have their lifestyle shoved down our throats, Kurt. I have a newsflash for you Kurt: We conservatives want to raise our families and our children with faith, family and country. We want to be left alone in peace and quiet to do it, and what we won’t tolerate is anyone telling us we are homophobic when we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What makes us conservatives happy is that we choose to support marriage being defined as between one man and one woman. Not to be forced to support something that goes against the founding of our nation and what G-d’s laws are intended for mankind.

I only have this advice for you, Kurt Sutter; stop trying to get into the inner circle of Weinstein, Speilberg, Katzenberg and Hanks. It’s never going to happen. You’re only humiliating yourself. What goes around comes around, and when his family is verbally attacked, I only hope he will see that he brought it on himself.

I have advice for your viewers: STOP PRAISING HIM AND IDOL WORSHIPPING THIS MAN. HE ISN’T PHAROAH, HE ISN’T SPECIAL, AND HE ISN’T G-D. He is someone who is exploiting you to make himself more wealthy while bashing the 1% at the same time. Stop your cult like behavior and please get some help for following this person into the abyss of mental derangement, and get a job and a life.

The Rise of Neo Nazism

22 Nov

As many of you know by now, I am a proud conservative American who is an Orthodox Jew, Tea Party member and a daughter of Holocaust survivors. My identity has been hugely defined by that event, as it’s made me as proud as can be to be Jewish, Yidden and to love Eretz Yisrael. My parents, Krisha and Israel Mandel, came to America in 1950, five years after surviving the worst period of human history. They dusted themselves off and picked themselves up, started a family, and embarked upon becoming full fledged American citizens. They learned to speak English. My father begged for work as a plumber during their stay in Houston, Texas, and my mother began preparing for motherhood, loving the freedom to keep a kosher home and to openly light the Shabbos candles every Friday night as most Jewish mothers do.

Antisemitism in America was always prevalent, but after the vast numbers of Holocaust survivors came to America, people knew how to hide it well. There was no way anyone was going to demand our country and Israel send them back to Europe after all they had been through, and the fact that Roosevelt for a while, turned a blind eye, and pretended nothing was happening to the Jews of Europe. President Truman embraced their arrival. He welcomed their contribution to American Exceptionalism that coincided with the greatest generation’s contribution to America’s economy within the private sector.

Fast forward to April, 1978 of the infamous event of the Neo Nazis marching in the Village of Skokie, Illinois. One of out six families were Jewish in that neighborhood, and out of those families was a multitude of Holocaust survivors who had settled there in the quiet hub where everyone lived in peace with each other; Jew and Gentile. When you experience racism at its worst, come to a country where religious freedom is the foundation of our rights, and experience the Nazis following you in order to continue the policies and scare tactics that the SS used, your world changes for good.

http://www.skokiehistory.info/chrono/nazis.html Events in chronological order above.

Whites, Jews and Blacks standing together in defiance of the Neo Nazis.

Great piece from the History channel in regards to Frank Collins march in Skokie and his movement.

Holocaust survivor letting the world know that we Yidden (Jews) will not take the beatings, the gas chambers, the degredation that was doled out to us in past generations. Let it be known we Jews today embrace the second amendment, we are strong, we know how to defend ourselves, and we will at a moment’s notice.

Today, while listening to the Dom Giordano show, it caught my ears when I heard that the Neo Nazi Party in Delaware has been allowed to adopt a highway. They are forbidden from posting their real identity: Neo Nazi Socialist Freedom Party. Instead, they were ordered to post a sign that reads “Freedom Party” ALL PAID FOR WITH TAXPAYER DOLLARS!!!! The perpetrators of the Delaware movement are in their early 20’s, claiming to have at least 45 members. They are against anyone who isn’t white. What they consider to be white can be misconstrued by where your ancestors come from.


Hat tip to Glenn Beck and The Blaze for breaking this story. Today there are 744 Neo Nazi groups participating in this program. I say if they want to pick up trash for a living, let them go do it, because that’s exactly who and what they are. I choose to continue to be successful, practice my Judaism, love my Torah, love Hashem and know that he protects me.

While the events in Skokie changed my family and Jews all over the country forever, nothing will crush the Jewish spirit. Remember, Nazi scum, there are more of us than there are of you today. We will outlive you.

Occupiers equals The New Hamas

19 Nov

By now, everyone with a brain who can think for themselves has seen the videos of these Occupy lunatics use children as human shields in many cities that there are Occupy movements.  Many of you may be asking yourself “how and where did this idea come from?”
Well, being that I’m heavily invested in pro Israel activism, the answer is easy; HAMAS, HAMAS AND MORE HAMAS.  Many of these illiterate fools are also anti Israel activists.  This is probably where they got the idea from.  They may figure that since Israel is the Occupier and blatantly attack Fakestinians all the time, they would use their children from the cops who they feel are attacking them.

A history lesson:  On August 18, 2005, the day of my daughter’s birth, Israel was forced to give Gaza to the Fakestinians.  Since then, Fakestinians aka Hamas have constantly used their children as human shields so the Israeli Army would hurt them instead of the adults.  They then use photo opportunities to lie to the world that the IDF is killing their children and committing acts of genocide.  Many of these occupiers who are viciously antisemitic apparently think that children don’t matter in this world nor do they care for their safety.


The video above is all the proof one needs that they use civilians as a means to an end.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYyJerd1t6U  Here is a woman at the Occupy Movement using a small child with moving cars to achieve a means to an end. 

http://www.breitbart.tv/occupyportland-man-places-small-child-between-himself-and-police/  Here is another one.  It’s resonating all over the country, and a child is not only going to get seriously injured, but get killed.  These miscreants will have no one to blame but themselves. 

In regards to the antisemitism at the Occupy Movement.  They are shifting their hatred for Israel to their hatred for Jews here.  In one way, I’m glad Israel is getting a big break, but on the other hand, the only thing they have going for them is that the only way to keep the myth of the evil zionist banker alive is to keep the stereotype of Jews they have alive all along.